Exercises Module 2 - Introduction to Working with Geodata#

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These exercises touch on all the content of module 2

Geodata concept#

  • Exercise: Geodata Concept: The objective of this exercise is to make your first steps in QGIS. Understand the user interface and get to know the layer concept. Display vector data in QGIS and view the attributes of the data. Reproject the vector data (i.e. by changing the projection of the data).

BIG exercises Modul 2#

These ecersises touch on all the content of Modul 2.

  • Exercise: The World: This exercise will help you to get to know the interface of QGIS a bit better. Furthermore, you will load your first data in QGIS and gain some hands-on experience with the layer concept.

    • Create a new QGIS project and save progress

    • Import vector data into QGIS- Shapefiles, GeoPackage and text format

    • Move layers in the layer hierarchy (Layer concept)