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Plugin: Openrouteservice (ORS) tools#

Openrouteservice QGIS Plugin#

Install the Plugin#

  • Go under tab Plugins


Fig. 208 Where to manage and install plugins Source: HeiGIT#

  • Click on Manage and install plugins, a new window will open up

  • Search for “ORS Tools” in search line and click Install plugin (right bottom)


Fig. 209 How to install the ORS Tools plugin Source: HeiGIT#

  • Close the window

  • After a few seconds the plugin should appear under “Web” tab in QGIS as “ORS Tools”


Fig. 210 Where to open the ORS Tools plugin Source: HeiGIT#

  • Open the “ORS tools” plugin - click on the ORS Tolls icon in the toolbar Icon

  • To make use of the ORS tools, you first need to sign up. Therefore click Sign Up


Fig. 211 Where to sign up for OpenRouteService Source: HeiGIT#

Sign up and setup#

  • You will be redirected to the Openrouteservice site, where you need to create a user account


Fig. 212 How to sign up for Openrouteservice Source: HeiGIT#

  • After submitting your profile, a confirmtaion e-mail will be sent to your mail adress

  • Please confirm your account

  • You are now able to create tokens (API keys) which allow you to run queries through the ORS Tools plugin in QGIS

  • Click into the field under “Request a token” and choose “Free”

  • Choose a “Token Name” in the field to the right and “Create token”

  • The token will directly appear above in the “key” field


Fig. 213 How to create a token (API key) Source: HeiGIT#

  • Click on the token, it will directly be copied. You can now go back into QGIS for further setup

Configure the plugin#

  • In QGIS and go to Provider Settings in the ORS Tools window by clicking the settings icon (right next to „Provider field“)

  • Add the API key you just created into the „API Key“ field

  • Add URL: https://api.openrouteservice.org into the Base URL field

  • (Potentially: Click Add and enter „openrouteservice“ into the pop up window „Enter a name for the provider“)


Fig. 214 Where to add API key Source: HeiGIT#

For further information: [GIScience/orstools-qgis-plugin]