Data sources#

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(Geo) Data Sources Overview#

A selection of useful (geo) data sources

This selection includes vector, raster and text data sets, as well as stats and diagrams. If you would like to add to the list, please feel free to add your data set.

What to look out for when looking for data:

Data source: Always make sure to use data from trusted data sources. The organisation that shared the data is the best indicator. Apart from that, use of the data in trusted contexts or also download counts can be good indicators.

Data size: Sometimes you can access data in different scales, resolutions etc. Make sure to select a data set that fits your purpose and can be easily processed by you and other potential partners. E.g. if you only need data about a specific region, if feasible only select the data of this admin area.

Data format: Maybe there are different data formats available that you can choose from. Think about your needs and what is the most practical for your use and potentially also sharing purposes.

Data capture date: Make sure to check when the data was collected and if the collection data is in line with your needs. Check if there is potentially more up-to-date data in another framework.

Data licence: What kind of licence does the data have? How can you use and share it and how do you need to cite the data source? Make sure to check the licensing and to follow the respective regulations to avoid difficulties.