Types of Geodata#

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  • Vector data

  • Raster data

  • Non-spatial data transfomed in geodata

Vector data#

Vector data can have the following data formats:

Filename extension





Old but still widely used geodataformat. Can only contain one dataset. The file has to consist of at least three different files (.shp, .shx, .dbf)



Very versatile geodata format and the new standard for geodata. Can contain multiple datafiles (vector, raster and not spatial data like tables)


Keyhole Markup Language

Geodata format for use with Google Earth


GPS Exchange Format

Geodata format for the exchange of coordinates. For example for waypoints of tracks.



Similar to shapefiles, but stores all information in a single file.

Raster data#

Raster data can have the following data formats:

Filename extension




Tag Image File Format

Common raster and image data format. Does not necessarily have georeference information. If a .tif file has georeferenc information it is referred to as GeoTIFF.



Standard data format for scientific data like speed or temperature. Can be be a raster file. Can contain multible datasets


Esri ASCII Grid files

Old simple raster file format, always with georeference informations

Text data#

Filename extension




comma-separated values

Very common data format which separates data with commas or other delimiters.



Data format used for EXCEL. EXCEL is a widely used spreadsheet program.

Good practices#

The video below gives a good overview of geodata formats and gives tips on file naming and other good practices.