QGIS Interface#

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Overview of QGIS Interface#

  1. Layers List / Browser Panel: The layers list shows all layers/files that are loaded in the project. You can show/hide layers and set other properties.

  2. Toolsbars: Toolbars are shortcuts to execute frequently used commands. For example, there are special toolbars for vector and raster files, but also general ones for saving your project, etc. The toolbar contains, among other things, a list of all the commands you can use. The toolbar also contains the toolbox, which is used later in many of the wiki videos.

  1. Map View: The map view is the central component of every GIS programme. This is where the geodata are displayed. The map view has a projection which does not always have to correspond to the projection of the layers.

  2. Status bar: In the status bar you will find central information about the current map view. Here you can set the projection of the map view and the scale. You can read the coordinates of the mouse pointer and thus quickly find out the coordinates of points on the map. You can rotate your map view, e.g. if you want to create a map facing south.

  3. Side Toolbar. You may see a side toolbar. This is another way to easily open vector and raster files in QGIS.

  4. Locator bar. Here you can search for tools and layers. If you don’t know where to find a tool, you can try here.

Offical QGIS Documentation: An Overview of the Interface

Buttens and Shortcuts#

Project managment#


Menu option



New Project

‘Ctrl’ + ‘N’

Create a new project

Open Project

‘Ctrl’ + ‘O’

Open an existing project


‘Ctrl’ + ‘S’

Save the project

Save as…

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘S’

Save the project as…


‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘P’

Open the project properties

New print layout

‘Ctrl’ + ‘P’

Opens the Dialog to create a new print layout


‘Ctrl’ + ‘K’

Opens the search bar

Layer management#


Menu option



Data source manager

‘Ctrl’ + ‘L’

Add a new layer

New GeoPackage layer

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘N’

Add a new GeoPackage Layer

Add vector layer

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘V’

Add a new vector layer

Add raster layer

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘R’

Add a new raster layer

Remove selected layer

‘Ctrl’ + ‘D’

Remove the selected layer

Toggle layers view

‘Ctrl’ + ‘1’

Toggle the layers view

Toggle browser view

‘Ctrl’ + ‘2’

Toggle the browser view

Analysis Tools#


Menu option



Identify Features

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘I’

Identify features on the map view by clicking on them

Select feature

Select a feature by area or single click

Select feature by value


Select features by value

Open Attribute table


Open the Attribute table

Open Attribute table with selected features only

‘Shift’ + ‘F6’

Open the Attribute table with selected features only

Open Attribute table with visible features only

‘Ctrl’ + ‘F6’

Open the Attribute table with visible features only

Advanced Tools#


Menu option



Processing Toolbox

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Alt’ + ‘T’

Opens the Processing Toolbox

Python Console

‘Ctrl’ + ‘Alt’ + ‘P’

Opens the Python Console

Moving an orientation on the Map Canvas#

Moving the map view#

To move on the map canvas with your mouse cursor you need to toggle the hand button.

You can also move on the map canvas with arrow keys on your keyboard.

Zooming in the map view#

The easiest way to zoom on Map Canvas is by scrolling.

Or with the hotkeys Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-

Another way is to use the zoom buttons in the toolbox panel.

Toolbox & Toolbars#

Basically, all the functionality, tools and applications of QGIS are organised in the Toolbox. Some Tools have their own toolbars which you can add to your QGIS interface.

Open Toolbox#

To open the Toolbox in QGIS click on the gearwheel button. Or click on Processing -> Toolbox

You can use the search bar to find specific tools.

Show and hide displays and toolbars#

There are toolbars and panels for many different tasks. To avoid an overcrowded interface it is smart to only activate specific toolbars or panels only when you really need them.

To add or remove toolbars from your interface click on View -> Toolbars -> Check or uncheck the toolboxes you want to add or remove

To add or remove panels from your interface click on View -> TPanels -> Check or uncheck the panels you want to add or remove

Move and arrange toolbars#

At each toolbar there is a field of two dotted lines. If you move the mouse pointer over it until an arrow cross appears and then hold down the left mouse button, you can move the toolbar. This allows an individualised arrangement of your own tools. By compressing all toolbars into a few lines, the map view window can also be enlarged.

Save & Open QGIS Projects#

To save progress or to open an existing project in QGIS is very similar to programs like MS Word. However, there is one BIG difference. In QGIS the geodata you work with is not saved in your QGIS projectfile. Instead, the project file only contains the file paths where the geodata were located at the time the project was last saved on the PC. If the location of this geodata is subsequently changed, the error message “handle unavailable layers” will appear when the project is opened again.

Open Projects#

To open an existing QGIS project click on Project -> Open… -> Navigate to your project and open it.

Save Projects#

  • When you save the first time: To save the QGIS project you are working on click on Project -> Save as…-> Navigate to the folder where you want to save the project -> Give the project a name -> Save

  • When you save progress: To save progress in a project that was already saved somewhere on your computer there are two good options:

    • Use the hotkey Ctrl+ s on your keyboard.

    • Click on Project -> Save.