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Welcome to the IFRC Network GIS Training Platform
1. Introduction to GIS
1.1. What is GIS?
1.2. Setting up
1.3. Getting started with QGIS
1.4. Exercises for Module 1
2. Working with Geodata
2.2. Introduction to geodata and layers
2.3. Projections
2.4. Geodata management
2.5. Attribute Table
2.6. Data sources
2.7. Basemaps
2.8. Exercises for Module 2
3. Basic GIS Operations
3.2. Digitisation
3.3. Geodata Classification
3.4. Geodata Selection and Queries
3.5. Georeferencing
3.6. Exercises for Module 3
4. Visualisation of Geodata and Map Making
4.1. Symbology and Colours
4.3. Styling Vector Data
4.4. Labels for Vector Data
4.5. Exporting and Importing Styles
4.6. Symbology for Raster Data
4.7. The Print layout
4.8. Understanding the Print Layout Composer
4.9. Good Map Design & Semiological Errors
4.10. Exercises for Module 4
5. Intermediate GIS Operations
5.1. Spatial data processing
5.2. Overlay Operations (Clip, Dissolve, Buffer)
5.3. Centroids
5.4. Non-Spatial processing
5.5. Exercises for Module 5
6. Data Analysis with QGIS
6.1. Data Analysis with QGIS
6.2. Data Analysis in the Humanitarian Sector
6.3. Exercises Module 6 - Data Analysis with QGIS
7. Automation with QGIS
7.2. Automation theory
7.3. Exercises 1: Automatisation
8. Remote Sensing and Raster Data
8.1. Remote Sensing and Raster data theory 🛰️
8.2. Introduction to Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Data
8.3. Raster data Exercise 1: Basic Assessment of Flood Exposure in the Indus Basin in Pakistan
9. Network Analysis
9.1. Spatial Network Analysis Theory
9.2. Plugin: Openrouteservice (ORS) tools
9.3. Network centrality measures and its application in QGIS
9.4. Exercises Module 9: Network Analysis
QGIS Basics
QGIS installation
QGIS Interface
Projects and Folder Structure
Data sources
Types of Geodata
Geodata Import in QGIS
OpenStreetMap (OSM) Data
Layer Concept
Attribute Table in QGIS
Geodata Classification
Single symbol classification
Categorized classification
Graduated classification
Spatial and Non-spatial queries
Spatial Queries
Non-Spatial Queries
Table function
Spatial Joins
Non-Spatial Joins
Basic Raster operations
Automatisation in QGIS
Model Builder
Map making and visualisation in QGIS
Map making Wiki
QGIS common errors and issues
Web & mobile GIS applications
GIS in Anticipatory Action
QGIS Trigger Workflow for Somalia
Risk Assessment QGIS Plugin
Historical Impact Assessment (HIA) for Flood in Sudan
Exercises - GIS in Anticipatory Action
Mobile Data Collection
Sketch Map Tool
Sketch Map Tool Training
Trainers corner
Train of trainers introduction
How to plan a whole GIS Training
Training Agenda and Handout
How to plan and structure a GIS Training Session
How to teach GIS
Assessments in GIS Training: A Guide
Contribution Plan for the IFRC GIS Training Platform
Open issue