5.5. Exercises for Module 5#

These exercises touch on all the content of module 5.



Focus Group

Estimated time

Exercise 1: Health site distribution in the Saint Louis region

The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with different types of spatial analysis and geoprocessing tools and understand the process of discovering relationships and connections between features in spatial data. The goal is to determine which health sites in the Saint Louis region in Senegal are prone to flooding. We will make use of Buffers, Classification, Selecting by location, and selecting using an expression.

Data analysis

3 hours

Exercise 2: Disaster impact in different regions of Senegal

Become familiar with different types of non-spatial analysis and geoprocessing tools. Understand the process of discovering relationships and connections between features in spatial data.

Data analysis

3 hours

Exercise 3: Trigger & Intervention Map for Forecast-based-Action

This exercise is based on the monitoring and triggering process used by the Somalia Red Cresent Society (SRCS) in the framework of a drought Early Action Protocol (EAP). In this exercise, you will build a simplified version of the monitoring and trigger mechanism for the FEWSNET projection pillar.

Data analysis, Early Action Protocol, Monitoring & Triggering

6 hours

Exercise 4: Security Peshawar

Data analysis

3 hours

Exercise 5: Aggregate and Assess G2P Money Transfers in Pakistan

The exercise teaches how to aggregate data on administrative levels and subsequently join the aggregated data with a polygon dataset.

Data analysis and creating reports

60 minutes

Exercise 6: Calculate sum of affected population and flooded area for the Area of interest

The exercise teaches you how to perform a spatial join and create statistics based on the attributes.

Data analysis

45-60 minutes

Exercise 7: Data cleaning