Exercise 1: Part 2: Calculate vulnerability index#

Characteristics of the exercise#

Aim of the exercise:

We want to create an overview of different vulnerability indicators. From the Covid-19 risk indicators dataset we take % permanent wall type, % permanent roof type and poverty incidence. From the Uganda population statistics we calculate the % of under fives and % of elderly. By combining the data, we are able to visualize the areas in Uganda that are most vulnerable.

Type of trainings exercise:

  • This exercise can be used in online and presence training.

  • It can be done as a follow-along exercise or individually as a self-study.

Focus group (GIS-Knowledge Level)

These skills are relevant for

Estimated time demand for the exercise.

Instructions for the trainers#

Trainers Corner

Prepare the training

  • Take the time to familiarise yourself with the exercise and the provided material.

  • Prepare a white-board. It can be either a physical whiteboard, a flip-chart, or a digital whiteboard (e.g. Miro board) where the participants can add their findings and questions.

  • Before starting the exercise, make sure everybody has installed QGIS and has downloaded and unzipped the data folder.

  • Check out How to do trainings? for some general tips on training conduction

Conduct the training


  • Introduce the idea and aim of the exercise.

  • Provide the download link and make sure everybody has unzipped the folder before beginning the tasks.


  • Show and explain each step yourself at least twice and slow enough so everybody can see what you are doing, and follow along in their own QGIS-project.

  • Make sure that everybody is following along and doing the steps themselves by periodically asking if anybody needs help or if everybody is still following.

  • Be open and patient to every question or problem that might come up. Your participants are essentially multitasking by paying attention to your instructions and orienting themselves in their own QGIS-project.

Wrap up:

  • Leave time for any issues or questions concerning the tasks at the end of the exercise.

  • Leave some time for open questions.

Available Data#

Download all datasets and save the folder on your computer and unzip the file. The zip folder includes:


All files still have their original names. However, feel free to modify their names if necessary to identify them more easily.


This exercise aims to create an overview of the impact of disasters in various regions of Senegal using the prepared datasets from the previous exercise. To achieve this, non-spatial joins, table functions, and different symbology will be utilized.

  1. We will start by using the tool Join attributes by field value and join the population statistics onto the output from task 9 from the first part (uga_adm2_covid_risk) of the exercise.


Screenshot from the Join attribute by field value operation using the ADM2_PCODE for joining#

  1. For the following calculations, use the output layer from the previous operation and name it uga_adm2_covid_risk_pop. First, we will calculate the % of under fives. Open the Field calculator to calculate a new field of type decimal number:

%Under5 = ( "M_00" + "M_01" + "M_02" + "M_03" + "M_04" + "F_00" + "F_01" + "F_02" + "F_03" + "F_04" ) / "Total"


You can access the field calculator through your attribute table by activating Toggle editing mode and clicking on this symbol to Open field calculator.


Screenshot of the field calculator which will be used for the subsequent calculations#

  1. Open the Field calculator again to calculate another new field of type decimal number. This time, we will calculate the % of elderly, defined as those aged 65 and above.

%Above65 = ( "M_65" + "M_66" + "M_67" + "M_68" + "M_69" + "M_70" + "M_71" + "M_72" + "M_73" + "M_74" + "M_75" + "M_76" + "M_77" + "M_78" + "M_79" + "M_80plus" + "F_65" + "F_66" + "F_67" + "F_68" + "F_69" + "F_70" + "F_71" + "F_72" + "F_73" + "F_74" + "F_75" + "F_76" + "F_77" + "F_78" + "F_79" + "F_80plus" ) / "Total"

  1. Next, open the field calculator again to calculate a new field of type decimal number.

%Under5indicator = ( "%Under5" - minimum( "%Under5" )) / (maximum( "%Under5" ) - minimum( "%Under5" )) * 10

  1. Open the Field calculator to calculate a new field of type decimal number.

%Above65indicator = ( "%Above65" - minimum( "%Above65" )) / (maximum( "%Above65" ) - minimum( "%Above65" )) * 10

  1. Delete unnecessary fields from the attribute table.

  2. Again, open the Field calculator to calculate the average of vulnerabilities as the field type decimal number.

AvgVulnerability = ((10 - "%permrooft" ) + (10 - "%permwallt" ) + "Povertyinc" + "%Under5indicator" + "%Above65indicator" ) / 5

Now, you can save the changes and stop editing by clicking on this symbol .

  1. Change the symbology on the field AvgVulnerability to visualise the different vulnerabilities.


Use Graduated and select the correct field. Create a reasonable amount of classes and use the Equal Interval mode.


This is how your output could look like in the end#