How to use openrouteservice?#
openrouteservice can be used via a web API. Take a look at the openrouteservice API playground to find out how to query openrouteservice.
… via the Web Client#
To give openrouteservice a try, check out our openrouteservice Web Client.
… via the API#
If you want to integrate openrouteservice into you project, you need to use the openrouteservice API. There are two options on how to query it.
1. Public API#
HeiGIT gGmbH provides a public, global API which is free to use for everyone within certain limits depending on your plan.
Create an account at
Generate an API key.
Send queries to the public API including your API key.
2. Self-Hosting#
In the openrouteservice documentation you will find a detailed information on how to set up openrouteservice on your own machine.
… via Libraries and Plugins#
There are many libraries and plugins available for communicating with openrouteservice that make it easy for you to integrate calls to openrouteservice in your own code and analysis.
JavaScript -
QGIS - Using the ors tools plugin available from the standard QGIS plugin repo
See also
No matter whether which option you choose, take a look at the openrouteservice Ecosystem to learn how to send queries to the openrouteservice API in the easiest way for you.