Throughout this tutorial, we will make use of various datasets. You can access these from a shared web drive. To access this drive, you will need a password which will be provided in the tutorial session.
The following resources are contained:
openrouteservice API key
Glasgow OSM data file
pre-computed NetAScore output for Glasgow
csv file containing walkability and bikeability indices converted for use with openrouteservice
Software is also available open source from GitHub, which you will need to pull locally if you want to experiment with the services themselves:
openrouteservice - GIScience/openrouteservice
NetAScore - plus-mobilitylab/netascore
To complete most of the tutorials, you will also need some software installed on your system. Predominantly these are:
The QGIS tutorial allows you to use an existing openrouteservice instance and explore pre-computed NetAScore results without the need to install Docker.