Resolve input coordinates to addresses and vice versa.
api_key = ors_api_key(),
output = c("parsed", "text", "sf")
Name of location, street address or postal code. For a structured geocoding request a named list of parameters.
Coordinates to be inquired provided in the form c(longitude, latitude)
Optional parameters as described here
Character scalar containing openrouteservice API key
Output format. By default the response is being parsed to a list-based R object
Geocoding: a JSON formatted list of objects corresponding to the search input. Reverse geocoding: the next enclosing object with an address tag which surrounds the given coordinate.
This endpoint can be used for geocoding (specified query
) and reverse
geocoding requests (specified location
). Either query
or location
to be specified for a valid request. If both parameters are specified
location takes precedence.
# These examples might require interaction to query the local keyring, or
# might fail due to network issues, so they are not run by default
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## locations of Heidelberg around the globe
x <- ors_geocode("Heidelberg")
## set the number of results returned
x <- ors_geocode("Heidelberg", size = 1)
## search within a particular country
ors_geocode("Heidelberg", = "DE")
## structured geocoding
x <- ors_geocode(list(locality="Heidelberg", county="Heidelberg"))
## reverse geocoding
location <- x$features[[1L]]$geometry$coordinates
y <- ors_geocode(location = location, layers = "locality", size = 1)
} # }